


  1. Type the address of your Fediverse instance in the text box

    The page where you enter the address of your instance
    The page where you enter the address of your instance

  2. While you’re typing the address, Fedilab will show you a list of known instance. If you see your instance in the list, press on it and Fedilab will fill the text box with that address.
    For this guide, we are going to use an account on mstdn.social.

List of addresses of Fediverse servers are displayed based on what you are typing
List of addresses of Fediverse servers are displayed based on what you are typing

  1. Once you’re done, press ‘Continue’.
  1. Enter your credentials and sign into your account.

Login page of the Mastodon instance we are using for this guide
Login page of the Mastodon instance we are using for this guide

Authorization page of a Mastodon instance
Authorization page of a Mastodon instance

If you like to continue with this guide, proceed to read the ‘After Login’ section.