


In this section we’ll show you how to schedule a post.

Prepare your post as you normally would. Then, instead of posting, press the three-dot-menu button on top.

three-dot-menu button
three-dot-menu button

Select ‘Schedule’ item from the menu.

Schedule menu item
Schedule menu item

Now you’ll get the schedule dialog with a date picker. Pick the date for your post and press the next button.

Date picker
Date picker

Now you should see a time picker. Set the time for your post to be published. When you’re done, press the button with a check mark to schedule the post.

Time picker
Time picker

Now your post is sheduled. If you want to cancel it, open the navigation drawer and go to ‘Scheduled’ page. It’s explained in ‘Managing Scheduled Posts’ section.

If you like to continue with this guide, proceed to read the ‘Threads’ section.