

Adding Attachments

When composing a post, if you want to add attachments (like photos, videos and audio) to your post, first press the button with a ‘paper clip’ icon.

Attachment icon
Attachment icon

It will open a small panel with options to add different types of attachments.

Attachment choices
Attachment choices

The items in this panel are as below

  1. Image
    Select a image/photo to attach

  2. Audio
    Select an audio file to attach

  3. Video
    Select a video to attach

  4. Close
    Close the attachment choices panel

  5. Poll
    To add a poll to your post.
    We will explain this later, but if you want to read it now, go to ‘Adding a poll’ section.

  6. Other
    If you want to attach a file of some other type, use this one.
    Note that this option may not work in some Fediverse instances

Let’s see what happens when you add an attachment. For this guide, we decided to attach an image. When you add attachments, they will be displayed below the content area.

Attachments list
Attachments list

If you like to continue with this guide, proceed to read the ‘Manage Attachments’ section.